It Is Very Easy to Use and Handle. People Use It While Having Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, Means Whenever They Want to Eat Something.
Great for cooking, stirring and mixing purposes, can be used in restaurants, food shops, catering halls, etc. Just place tiny portions on each spoon and serve on a platter or board.
Easy to Clean
Non-stick surface, easy to clean, dishwasher safe, Simply wash with warm soapy water and dry thoroughly. NOT recommend for conventional oven or microwave oven use.
Perfect Soup Spoon
Whether it’s your DIY-Wedding, holiday gathering, backyard cookout, travelling, camping, hiking and other outdoor activities, these appetizer spoons will surprise and delight your guests.
No pollution. Environmental health.
Perfect for travelling, camping, hiking and other outdoor activities.
The black color has a bright texture and provides a sophisticated appearance.
Simply wash with warm soapy water and dry thoroughly.
Great for cooking, stirring and mixing purposes, can be used in restaurants, food shops, catering halls, etc.
Volu. Weight (Gm) :- 144
Product Weight (Gm) :- 68
Ship Weight (Gm) :- 144
Length (Cm) :- 16
Breadth (Cm) :- 7
Height (Cm) :- 6
It Is Very Easy to Use and Handle. People Use It While Having Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, Means Whenever They Want to Eat Something.
Great for cooking, stirring and mixing purposes, can be used in restaurants, food shops, catering halls, etc. Just place tiny portions on each spoon and serve on a platter or board.
Easy to Clean
Non-stick surface, easy to clean, dishwasher safe, Simply wash with warm soapy water and dry thoroughly. NOT recommend for conventional oven or microwave oven use.
Perfect Soup Spoon
Whether it’s your DIY-Wedding, holiday gathering, backyard cookout, travelling, camping, hiking and other outdoor activities, these appetizer spoons will surprise and delight your guests.
No pollution. Environmental health.
Perfect for travelling, camping, hiking and other outdoor activities.
The black color has a bright texture and provides a sophisticated appearance.
Simply wash with warm soapy water and dry thoroughly.
Great for cooking, stirring and mixing purposes, can be used in restaurants, food shops, catering halls, etc.
Volu. Weight (Gm) :- 144
Product Weight (Gm) :- 68
Ship Weight (Gm) :- 144
Length (Cm) :- 16
Breadth (Cm) :- 7
Height (Cm) :- 6